Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Research paper about Florence Nightingale Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

About Florence Nightingale - Research Paper Example Instead, she retired from public life to use her influence to campaign and promote educational schemes. Her impact was probably greater for choosing to influence policy rather than exercising power. Florence Nightingale wrote 200 books, reports and pamphlets after the Crimean War, which had a profound effect on army health, welfare in India, civil hospitals, medical statistics and nursing. Her greatest educational contributions were in the establishment of new institutions for the training of army doctors and hospital nurses, but some of her lesser-known educational schemes are illuminating. Florence Nightingale has been studied as a reformer, statistician, administrator and researcher, but studies of her impact on education have remained limited. The main history of Nightingale nurse training (Baly, 1986) ignores the broader context of Florence Nightingale’s educational views to focus on the often fraught administrative history of the early Nightingale School for nurses. It i s not surprising that there should exist many common threads uniting the various aspects of education with which Florence Nightingale was involved. Her own education and training had no outlet until the age of 31.

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